Write formula to Excel cell correctly
💡 Encountering errors writing the correct formula to Excel using the action “Write to Excel worksheet”? Use “Activate cell in Excel worksheet”, followed by “Send keys” to write the formula instead. Remember to insert the special key {Return} at the end.
Problem Description
The action “Write to Excel worksheet” does not write the correct formula to Excel sometimes.
For example, the following flow results in an incorrect formula, i.e. =TEXTJOIN("",TRUE,IFERROR((MID(A1,@ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),1)*1),"")), being written to cell B1.
Notice that an additional “@” has been added to the Excel formula. While this does not result in an error within PAD, the output in Excel is incorrect.
As a workaround, we will first use the action “Activate cell in Excel worksheet” to activate the cell that we want to write the formula to.
Then, we will use the action “Send keys” to write the formula to Excel. Remember to insert the special key {Return} which you can find under Insert special keys>>Misc>>Enter.
This will allow you to achieve the desired output:
Additional Information
Last updated on: 24 Jan 2023
Tested version(s):
Prerequisites: Excel
Dependencies: None
Known issues: None